Monday, August 25, 2014

Metal Seed

For this project, I got to be the Art Director! I made final decisions, did a bunch of paint overs, created a design bible, organized and defined our workflow, and various other tasks besides actually working on art! Definitely a great learning experience. This was done in Ani 117B under Tom Esmeralda. My team consisted of Genaro Morales, Eugenie Ooi, Minh Ho, and Brian Stanley. The assignment was to make a graphic book that would direct the look of a film based on a sci-fi short story of our choosing. We chose "Frost and Fire" by Ray Bradbury. One of the artists on our team was greatly influenced by, and loved the art of, Tomer Hanuka, and we felt his style worked well with the nature of our story, so we chose to emulate his visual feel in our book. Here's one of his pieces we used for reference...

A piece by Tomer Hanuka
And Here's what we came up with for our book!

I did this piece myself

I also did the left rendering, with some design help from Minh Ho

Zorg's Depot of Doom

This was a project in 117B at SJSU where we were supposed to create a scene that could fit into the movie the 5th Element. I chose to do Zorg's weapons depot. Here's some of the sketches and preliminary work...

Playing with silhouettes

Vehicle ideations
Zorg statue of Liberty for fun :)

A more finished sketch

Referencing similar statue styles, fitting in to Zorg in 3D

The finished reference model
The finished rendering

Art 116 Project

This was a project led by Barron Storey. The assignment was to create around 6 "bits" of artwork and assemble them together in some cohesive way. My topic was music, specifically the evolution of recorded media devices. Here are a few of my bits...

Charcoal rendering of Nat King Cole

Ink rendering of a record and old style turn table
Photoshop rendering of Brad Nowell
Photoshop rendering of a CD and CD player
This is the finished piece. Painted some musicians from AC/DC on the drum casing that everything was mounted to. This is now on display at Starving Musician in San Jose.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Hello Debra

Hey all! Check out this animated short that I helped create last semester at SJSU! I did compositing, the credits sequence, modeling, and helped with sound effects and music. We won best animation of the 4 that were made for Adobe that semester! It was a great learning experience and I made some awesome friends in the process. Cheers!